Sunday, November 9, 2008

On the FNF/LandAm merger...

FNF - of all the major title companies I have been watching - has done the best job of navigating rough financial seas and reorienting itself to a new way of doing business.  I have continued to be impressed with CyberHomes.It's no secret that I don't like automated title examination and outsourcing but I am enough of a realist to know that much of the consuming marketplace wants these kinds of

On the FNF/LandAm merger...

FNF - of all the major title companies I have been watching - has done the best job of navigating rough financial seas and reorienting itself to a new way of doing business.  I have continued to be impressed with CyberHomes.It's no secret that I don't like automated title examination and outsourcing but I am enough of a realist to know that much of the consuming marketplace wants these kinds of